Friday, March 18, 2011

Biggest Breasts In Canada


last training session yesterday morning, only 11 km deliberately, certainly was good even if I was recovering, but given the day off and the company of fellow I would not give up, we start this afternoon x Vicenza, now is the moment we've waited, I'll be traveling with friends Marche, sleep at the hostel and dinner this evening in a tavern in the company of other friends that I know trailer, secured party.

The weather seems better, so much rain has come, in fact we will find along the way so much mud, but the important thing is that it does not rain more, Starting Saturday morning at 10 , I'll definitely have time to make a morning stroll through the historic center, because the hostel is nearby, so as usual I wake up very early.

honestly do not think any way to the race, like many others, I am calm, I am happy to see new places and mountains, this is important for me, time does not interest me, although I made my prediction, I think and hope to conclude before 7:30 a.m. , the calculation is made based on the last two races, the RONDA GHIBELLINA and LAVATRAIL , the 1st 40 km, 83 km to 2 °.

Molto dipenderà anche dal terreno, 65 km con D+ 2500 non sono pochi, ma l'amico Pollo mi ha detto che questa è una gara x me, dove si può lasciare le redini in parecchi tratti, staremo a vedere, tanto il mio ritmo è deciso dal mio corpo, non dalla testa, lui sà consigliarmi molto bene come andare in certi tratti senza esagerare.
Questa 1° Edizione sarà certamente unica, gli organizzatori hanno fatto il pienone, rivedrò tanti amici, questo è il bello del Trail, sarà una grande Festa, che inizierà da stasera e si concluderà domani sera, ripartiremo verso casa dopo la gara, so I will have the opportunity to participate in Sunday morning to race Gros valid x our league, if forces me to always allow, 21 km are not flat, at best they do in Bike, according to his teammates.

A greeting and good weekend to all, we feel Sunday, that is with you acorsa

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chi Products Jcpenney

Course 2011 - A day in the gym

The course is proceeding with the first gym where they were taught the basics needed to start moving between ropes, carabiners.

's just a taste that lasted all day Saturday in our gym Renaro certainly not helped by the particularly cold and wet day and the blue sky that rarely was the terminus of the dense, gray clouds.

The groups of students took turns in a kind of "circuit training" consists of a series of ascents and descents (not very long), accompanied by several splits and transom, lovingly (so to speak) followed by instructors and assistant instructors who have labored trying to convey their undoubted experience and few but clear messages:

safety first and also the exact repetition of the technical maneuvers that should help are not in dangerous situations.

Tomorrow we will go to the cave (actually due to rain we did not go but that's another story) to the Pit Tunnel.

the next.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sportcraft Basketball Arcade Hoops Cancer Warning


Yesterday morning jog in the company of comrades, it is so much so that I do not run together, do not match my training with them, but every now and fortunately there is a hole, find the usual place, the Tavollo, starting at 8.30 for me is a little delay in bringing, as I'm going to do 30/40 km.

He decides to leave home around 7:30, after I had rested half an hour at the bar, breakfast and reading, then giving birth, I calculated at around 2 minutes to do and in fact I am the first to 'appointment, after about 9 km with a little uphill.

When they see me coming you all laugh, as if I un'extraterrestre, perhaps in addition to black will always be my camel bag to make them laugh, but do not understand that we must take a long behind a drink and some clothing, however, no more talk we go.

addition to me, Sergio is going to stretch today, then you decide to go on to Granarola Siligata and then to the group until there is solid, but now it's time to separate, in fact we are just Sergio and myself, the other down to the house while we go on to of Focara.

Today we take it easy, unfortunately it runs only on asphalt, but for once he grits his teeth, passed Casteldimezzo decide to enter into the Vallugola Golf Club, I thought it would be very nice to spend all 'inside the April 17 at the TA , Sergio knows that since the owner is the right time to ask, so it does not cost anything.

Mission accomplished, I did not need many words, the friendly proprietor immediately accepted our proposal, then we watched the path to do, I must say that it is a fantastic oasis after through the Golf Club, before going out we will enjoy a quick refreshment.

Now there are a few miles, after Gabicce Monte greets you, he goes home I will go down and continue on the beach, not 40 but 35 km I managed to do it, with a D + 870 , last longish first dell'Ultrabericus on Saturday, the beauty is that they are not so tired, in practice they are around 4 hours that are satisfied and confident that the goal is reached, finish without too much trouble, we'll see a Greetings to all, that the race is with you

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3 Month Old Baby Anbesol

Course 2011 - Out Renaro - Rocciolo

of Music
So, this year, we started the course. I will not conceal that I was very concerned about the low turnout of members that, in practice, it lasted until the final day and then dissolve like mist in the sun, seeing that this year we have a fair number, ie seven people eager to absorb our caving experience.

The first exit in the cave was the now classic Crossing Rocciolo - Rocciolo followed by Buca di Renaro to begin to bite the underground.

To continue on Saturday, the first gym Renaro followed through Sunday (weather permitting because there is a heavy rain) from the pocket of the Tunnel Monte Altissimo.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Take Apart Caster Wheels

Being a woman is so fascinating. It is an adventure that takes such courage, a challenge that does not get bored.

(Oriana Fallaci)

How Can You Do The Arceus Event On Soulsil

March 8 ... Not to forget all the women who fought and died for our freedom, and not to forget those who

ovunque nel mondo, ancora oggi si battono e perdono la vita per ottenere qui diritti che a noi sembrano scontati.

♥ Grazie ♥

Can You Masterbate With Tissues?

♥ ♥ Dedicated to the women of Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Dedicato alle donne

Tieni sempre presente che la pelle fa le rughe,
i capelli diventano bianchi,
i giorni si trasformano in anni.

Però ciò che è importante non cambia;
la tua forza e la tua convinzione non hanno età.
Your spirit is the glue of any spider.

Behind every finish line is a line of departure.
Behind every success is a `c` another disappointment.

long as you're alive, feel alive.
If you miss what you were doing, go do it.
not live on yellowed photos ...
insist even if they expect dropouts.

not let it rust the iron in you.
Make sure that instead of compassion, take you over.

When the years because
you can not run, walk fast.
When you can not walk fast, walk. When
you can walk, use the stick.
Pero `Never hold!

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

♥ Best wishes to all women ... Happy March 8 from books and poems ♥

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Free Farm Lessons Comic Horse


The program was Cerasolo the race, but because of the beautiful day I already decided that I would Overview on the Mexico meeting in the bar, mates all go to Cerasolo, Valerio teases me telling me to go up in Carpegna, which made a lot of snow, soon discarded in mind the the overview but when we parted after a few meters I've changed my mind and I thought, why not go really on Hermitage run view the beautiful day?
said that, I'll be back and street delivery.

arrivals, departures from the center of Villagrande Eire climb up and then I continued on the track x to the end of the chairlift, Fantastic training, high temperature, it was to stay all day with the sun Simel is a shame to leave.

the end I had a wonderful morning, after 19 km yesterday today other 21 KM with D + 840 , I made the right choice, even my friends would have done the same, ste days do not happen often, hello to everyone.

What Is The Point Of Vore

18 ° of the 18 Principles of Life of the 17th Dalai Lama

18) Judge your success by what you had to give to get it.

(Dalai Lama)

Chetna Prithviraj Minneapolis

Strictly Mint Green Red

The last Thai village that hosts us and 'Chang Kong, Mekong caresses him and after a hearty dinner in front of this backdrop of water and mountains, happy and peaceful we retire to our room. My beautiful passes from sleep to 5 minutes, I read serene until 11 pm the bar near the hostel comes alive. This village, which until a few hours before seemed inhabited by five people, exploded in an orgy of music: karaoke! Seeking comfort in the words of Alexander Dumas, but the volume was too high, the singers who played various songs were getting worse as time went by and I suppose also in direct proportion to drink, I was also trying to figure out when a song ended and he began another, to enjoy an oasis of a few seconds of silence, but nothing seemed to be a long and eternal canzonaccia tai, screaming, worn, scratched and completely drunk. Blessed Juan went to sleep. Desperately Seeking sleep under my eyelids, but I will have to 'wait until the bar closes.
a deep breath and finally Laos, entering the Mekong. Two days in a slow boat, really "slow", but offering a speccatocolo incredible, and it 's funny to meet people.
Laos and 'beautiful, poor and dignified, full of waterfalls, rivers and lakes, most of its streets are not paved and traveling the country is quite dangerous as the bus conductors are as old as Methuselah and repairing crazy. During one of the many and uncomfortable bus journeys, sitting in the first seat, I was breathless watching a azzardatissima operation of the bus, I looked incredulous eyes support or confirmation to what I was experiencing, and find him sitting in a German boy beyond 'the corridor, he thrilled to witness what was happening, wide-eyed looks at me in disbelief and says: "Better to continue reading ..". Anyway
and Laos' until now, the country that I and 'most liked'. Two villages were particularly moved me: Vang Vieng and Tat Lo.
Vang Vieng and 'a painting. Gentle mountains that are reflected in the river, waterfalls and caves, of course, 'built for westerners, and although tourism enchanted me. All the restaurants have tables and chairs, but comfortable sofa ', you live relaxed, eat lying down, you go all day at the river, swimming and tubing ago.
What 'the tubing? A shop rents inner tubes for trucks (tube), they make you leave all your stuff with them, and put you in costume on a tuk tuk which brings you to 5 km from the village center. Li 'throws you into the water and transported by the current returns to the center. During the descent to the valley, from the bars lining the river bank, young indigenous pull a string with a plastic bottle attached to the end 'and once caught you drag to the bar itself, where music, drinks, water slides , trampoline etc. waiting for you. Drinking, dancing, he dives into the Trapolino, chat, and then those who want to resume your tube, and thrown back into the water, until the next bar. We set out at 8 and we can not lose until the end, but it 's been difficult, since the collective delirium. It 'fun and at least once in your life needs to be done, though it may seem a bit' dangerous since the Nordic alcohool themselves to death and there is' no control or no security, so if you were drowning and your friends if not drunk realize it, you die. They say that every year die by a tubing .. for me they are also seen as a few are reduced!
The other village and 'Tat Lo. Tat Lo and 'poor little lost in the dusty nothing. Here too, large waterfalls and pools natural mint green, people and 'very very very poor, at dusk and dawn the inhabitants go to the river, little fire light up quickly, and take a bath. Even the elephants are taken every morning at 5 am the river for their daily bath after a day of work. Pigs, monks, goats, roosters, chickens, dogs and cats, all living together in this small micro cosmos made of a simple life with little electricity 'and few Westerners in the area. Peace and silence. I forgot .. The monks also blessed me! Maybe bring good!

Are Japanese Groping Real

What does it mean to arrive at 4 am in Bangkok?
means head straight Backpakers of the area and enjoy the show: lights flashing blue and pink, western drunk, crazed American, Thai and German smoked confused, whores, transvestites (many), street vendors of noodles, bored tuk tuk (taxi), dogs, cats and rats (many), all on the road, mixed together, moving, dancing, drinking, laughing, running, sitting at a table or standing in the street, while music from large speakers is thrown on people. Looking for a hostel by step through the notes of Bob Marley, Elvil Presley and Oasis. What a mess!
Bangkok and 'giant with personality', zozzissima, very poor, so many people living on the streets, polluted, and people 'intolerant against the tourists who pay for sex and get drunk fast and vulgar. It has a highly developed culinary culture, at every corner there is' someone who cooks and sells the questionable hygiene, but we fly over in the meantime I'm tired of eating rice and noodles and pizza that makes me dream my mother. Temples and golden Buddhas, giant, lavish and rich. The smell of incense mingles with the smell of fried cakes, but the dirt that chokes the city 'almost takes away the appetite, despite the huge amount' of gold raised by his temples. The Thais are funny as a bout of meningitis, the clerk to the waiter, the receptionist to pass on information which we ask, it seems that everyone would rather be anywhere else than working and having to talk to you, maybe 'cause I'm tired of the tourists, perhaps because' Juan and I are one category of tourists that can not be sold or 'hoes it' precious stones, perhaps because 'we are not old cinquatenni with the belly and your wallet open like an accordion, maybe 'cause I'm done so'. Let
Bang Kok is not far to go in Ayutthaya, incredible village a few kilometers from the capital, boasts attractive ruins of ancient temples, the face of a Buddha carved into the roots of a tree, elephants, a floating market and a theater in the water. Arriving at the train station we leave our bags at the store, perhaps railroad police, where uometti closed in hot sweaty uniforms, unbuttoned, and flabby borrosa move in a warm twilight. Rent a bike, I choose a red bike with a basket of the same color, gray Juan takes a normal bike, and ride below 40 degrees and 90% humidity ', are 11 and then start riding to sweat, heat and 'unbearable, to kill the effort began to sing aloud the familiar theme: Where are you going beauty by bike, we pass a group of Japanese girl-skinned and broad straw hats who diligently in line to be absolutely certain to 3 kilometers per hour ringing and greet you with a "Hola Chicas," the smiling Japanese girl shocked. After the visits at times and ruins, we fall in the water theater. A journey of bamboo 'leads us to the entrance, proximity of water and shade are already 'refreshment. In front of us there is a small lake, on a platform to a depth of two fingers ', the actors enact their work, strictly in Thai, it seems that touching her walk on water, delicious food, the lake and' full of catfish that plunge to the surface each piece of bread launched, and so 'lying in the shade of a roof of bamboo', picking delicious food, we spend more hours' heat of the day. Up to 4 stay behind cover, then a last ride through the city 'and then return to the train station, waiting for nine and go to northern Thailand: Chang Mai.
The north of Thailand and the 'more' cool, and 'more' green, you can breathe another energy and also the people seem in a bit more 'friendly. I enrolled in a cooking class with the confidence that will not learn 'thing, but with the aim to have fun and eat as much, and so' was, Juan, however, goes to climb, trying to persuade me to go with him, but burst under the sun, in the mountains, with a string attached to a belt, and climb a rock wall perpendicular to the ground I'm not enticed, I prefer to eat in the shade of a gazebo! Chang Mai also offers many excursions to the nearby mountains for hiking, and visits to villages, inhabited by tribes' isolated, with even age-old traditions, such as women with long necks. I do not want to do neither, the first 'cause I hate walking, I hate to sweat and walking uphill at 40 degrees for two days (my element 'of water!), and the second' cause from what he was offered the trip seemed to take you to a human zoo, where these villages are on the top of the mountain without electricity ', with their traditions, (and vox populi says they are also quite "unwelcoming" towards tourists),' cause I have to go west with my intrusive camera bother? if they are on the top of the mountain, knowing the world outside, 'cause I have to go by bus with 50 other Westerners to take pictures as if they are strange animals? nor do I think that as' doing contributes to the livelihood of the village itself because the money spent on this ridiculous tour go to enrich the agencies. So 'who spent four days in Chang Mai cooking, eating and riding, as the best way to get around and' here, too, by bike, rigorasamente RED!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Like Sitting On Faces

of the 18 Principles of Life of the Dalai Lama

17) Remember that the best relationship is one in which we love more than you need each other.

(Dalai Lama)

Why #12 Alabama Football


this morning checking the various races I ran on 50 of Romagna, is a race that I have done, where I also took a blow, why do not adequately trained, but since I liked it, why not do it again? then I see the logo on the side of the Triptych and I think why not try, is so blessed Passatore 100, I'll do it sooner or later, so I decided that the response will be after completing 65 KM dell'ULTRABERICUS .

As you know, so the asphalt does not digest, but outside of the Marathon Lamone, the other two have moved the location, with lots of uphill and this is the reason for my support, my only concern is to have the week after the Passatore Marauder's Trail, 70 km really hard, I do not know if I will recover, I'll think about it.

For the moment we think March 19, in Vicenza, then ended the trouble I'll see what I say my body and my head, I am confident, as I said, I am sure This year is the right one, we'll see, hello to everyone.

Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Make A Bamboo Wedding Arch

16 ° of the 18 Principles of Life of the Dalai Lama

16) At least once a year, go someplace you've never been before.

(Dalai Lama)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cheats For Idrag On Ipod

15 ° of the 18 Principles of Life of the Dalai Lama

15) Be gentle with the earth.

(Dalai Lama)

Urine Frequency During Menstruation


become a date, an annual event and miss

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hen Night Stripper Cfnm

14 ° of the 18 Principles of Life of the Dalai Lama

14) Share your knowledge. It 's a way to achieve immortality.

(Dalai Lama)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Guinea Pig How To Make A Cuddle Cup

13 ° of the 18 Principles of Life Dalai Lama

13) When you find yourself in disagreement with the people you loved ones, deal only with the current, without dragging in the past.

(Dalai Lama)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Actreses Wit Dark Hair

12 ° of the 18 Principles of Life of the Dalai Lama

12) A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation of your life.

(Dalai Lama)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Paper Illusion Wallpaper Kitchen Countertops

11 ° of the 18 Principles of Life of the Dalai Lama

11) Live a good, honorable life, so that, when older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time.

(Dalai Lama)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Canesten Cream Nursing Safe

10 ° of the 18 Principles of Life of the Dalai Lama

10) Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

(Dalai Lama)

Friday, February 25, 2011

French Bikini Epilator

9 th of the 18 Principles of Life of the Dalai Lama

9) Open your arms to change, but do not let go of your values.

(Dalai Lama)

Machine Knitted Wraps

from the movie "The Hours"

would be nice to say that I have any regrets, would be a help, but that sense may have remorse for something when one had no choice?


The death of someone gives others the chance to appreciate life, is the contrast.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Drivers License Invitations Templates

How exciting

Grande Ivano