last training session yesterday morning, only 11 km deliberately, certainly was good even if I was recovering, but given the day off and the company of fellow I would not give up, we start this afternoon x Vicenza, now is the moment we've waited, I'll be traveling with friends Marche, sleep at the hostel and dinner this evening in a tavern in the company of other friends that I know trailer, secured party.
The weather seems better, so much rain has come, in fact we will find along the way so much mud, but the important thing is that it does not rain more, Starting Saturday morning at 10 , I'll definitely have time to make a morning stroll through the historic center, because the hostel is nearby, so as usual I wake up very early.
honestly do not think any way to the race, like many others, I am calm, I am happy to see new places and mountains, this is important for me, time does not interest me, although I made my prediction, I think and hope to conclude before 7:30 a.m. , the calculation is made based on the last two races, the RONDA GHIBELLINA and LAVATRAIL , the 1st 40 km, 83 km to 2 °.
The weather seems better, so much rain has come, in fact we will find along the way so much mud, but the important thing is that it does not rain more, Starting Saturday morning at 10 , I'll definitely have time to make a morning stroll through the historic center, because the hostel is nearby, so as usual I wake up very early.
honestly do not think any way to the race, like many others, I am calm, I am happy to see new places and mountains, this is important for me, time does not interest me, although I made my prediction, I think and hope to conclude before 7:30 a.m. , the calculation is made based on the last two races, the RONDA GHIBELLINA and LAVATRAIL , the 1st 40 km, 83 km to 2 °.
Molto dipenderà anche dal terreno, 65 km con D+ 2500 non sono pochi, ma l'amico Pollo mi ha detto che questa è una gara x me, dove si può lasciare le redini in parecchi tratti, staremo a vedere, tanto il mio ritmo è deciso dal mio corpo, non dalla testa, lui sà consigliarmi molto bene come andare in certi tratti senza esagerare.
Questa 1° Edizione sarà certamente unica, gli organizzatori hanno fatto il pienone, rivedrò tanti amici, questo è il bello del Trail, sarà una grande Festa, che inizierà da stasera e si concluderà domani sera, ripartiremo verso casa dopo la gara, so I will have the opportunity to participate in Sunday morning to race Gros valid x our league, if forces me to always allow, 21 km are not flat, at best they do in Bike, according to his teammates.
A greeting and good weekend to all, we feel Sunday, that is with you acorsa
A greeting and good weekend to all, we feel Sunday, that is with you acorsa
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